Flo is now online, or at least The Flo News is online. You can see the photographs in color; make comments, view an older column, or show a friend or neighbor who does not have a subscription a column or story that takes your fancy. There is information on how to subscribe for those who are not now getting the paper. The address online is;

You can also mail your comments or news to;

The Flo News at FM 831 &,

Post Office Box 1511

Buffalo, TX 75831.

The Flo news of the week had to be that Flo Community Water Supply President Gary Bell had suffered a heart attack and was to resign from the Flo WSC. There was good news at the Flo WSC members meeting on Friday night when some of those present reported that he was home, and up and about. Modern medicine is wonderful. Everyone wishes Gary a speedy and full recovery.

Margo Carmichael reopened the Flo Café on Friday night after a brief respite in January. The café, in the old Flo Store building is more of a Flo institution than a business. Besides really good catfish in generous portions with all the fixings, one can find conversation with neighbors and occasional domino or forty-two games. Right now the café is open on Friday nights from five till…..Margo reports that she plans to expand the open days fairly soon. You should see what she has done with the place.

The deadline for entries in the new edition of the Leon County History Book is drawing near, according to Earl Hill Moore. He said that a firm date had not been set, but that it would be soon. I have some entries to finish for it and you should make sure that your family history is presented in these wonderful books.

Chase Lee was one of those in attendance at the Friday night meeting. It is wonderful to see young people from Flo who are able to make their home here as adults. It is all too rare nowadays that they can find the economic opportunities close at home.

Jake Stephens of Flo who plays varsity basketball for the Oakwood Panthers was in civilian clothes on the sidelines at the Tuesday night game against Trinidad. He had suffered a concussion in a recent game and had been sidelined. He said that he thought he would be back in uniform for the next game, or that at least he sure hoped so.

The recent run of cold weather and the latest electric bill was enough to get me to hook up my wood heater which has been missing a couple of stovepipe fittings all winter. With that task done one can only wonder….. Can spring be far away? I guess it is a sign of modern life that I am far more concerned with the working of my computer than with the wood stove.

Carolyn Tomko, Nancy Spivey and I stood out in the cold and chatted about Flo, and Flo WSC after the member meeting Friday night. I wound up with a cold after standing out there without a hat. I hope that the ladies didn’t suffer the same fate.

My grandfather said……….One of the stories that I heard about my grandfather J.L. ‘Jack’ Moore was about his first job at the cotton gin at Oden. Oden was located on the banks of Wheelock Creek just north of the Wheelock cemetery. It had a post office and was on the ‘main road’ that we now call ‘The Star Route’. He had to carry a three bushel basket of lint cotton up a twelve step ladder to dump it in the cotton press to be made into a bale. He later remembered it as a very hard job, hot and dusty.


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