The Reddest Redbirds in the World

Flo has to be the home of the reddest redbirds in the world. The Cardinals are always the first to capture my attention with their exuberant red a promise against the sear brown of winter. The Blue Jays are here and the Robins. Early spring is such a wonderful time of year.

Pat Vann of Leona, previously of Houston addressed the Leon County Historical Association at the Lone Star Community Center on Fri. about techniques of genealogical research. Vann has published several books on the topic and has a new one ready for the printers, she said. Among others, Ken and Yvonne Woodard spoke to the group. Ken talked to them about the days when Flo School was in a rock building and said that “The day it burned I am not ashamed to say, I cried.”

Flo’s James Coker is a member of the Beef and Forage Committee of Leon County and he invited me to attend one of their meetings. Coker is this years forage champion for the quality of the hay he presented at contest. The

Beef and Forage committee is planning three events for Leon County this spring, including a discussion of the feral hog program. We will keep you informed of when those events are going to take place.

The Lone Star Community Center is holding an auction on February 24. If you need more information or want to donate an item call 903-322-3529, 903-322-4355 or 903-536-2710. The concession will open at 5 p.m. and the auction start at 6 p.m.

Something occurred this week that I never thought I would live to see. While partaking of the great fish at the Flo Café on Friday night I was served complimentary wine, and homemade chocolate covered cherries. I had my choice of white, or red wine and ever being correct, I chose the white to go with my fish. An added treat was that the fish plate arrived with a shrimp cocktail that was delicious. Margo says that she will open the Flo Café on Saturdays now, soon.

Don’t forget that the Flo News is online now, along with the stories of the Flo Community Water System.

You can also mail your comments or news to;

The Flo News at FM 831 &,

Post Office Box 1511

Buffalo, TX 75831.

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