Flo Water Reform Committee Organized

by Mac Shadix

Used by permission of the Buffalo Press

A group of concerned member-citizens of Flo Community Water Supply Corporation met Monday evening January 22 to organize a committee dedicated to reforming Flo WSC. Naming themselves the Flo Water Reform Committee the group of thirty-five concerned members asked for candidates to step forward to run for the four seats up for election this spring. These four seats will constitute a majority of the board. Potential candidates were asked to put their names to a form stating that they would vote for a new administration for Flo Water, basically meaning to replace President Gary Bell and Secretary-Treasurer Ann Boykin with newly elected members although Bell and Boykin will continue to be on the board as directors.

Ten persons offered their names and the group formed a nominating committee of the whole to select a viable consolidated slate that could work together to reform the Flo Water System that has been so troubled recently. Current director Richard Moran was chosen to run for the position that he now holds, and Ken Jones, Robert Boettcher and Jimmy Davis were chosen to seek the other three positions. Wallace Jones was picked as a backup candidate in case one of the four has to drop out.

A plan was made for collecting funds to run ads for the consolidated slate and members were urged to write letters to the editor in support of the consolidated slate. At least one more meeting is planned before the election.

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