The Flo News Janurary 16, 2007

Reprinted by Permission of The Buffalo Press

After we needed rain here at Flo for the last eighteen months so badly, we have been blessed with a lot of rainfall the last couple of months. My pond that was down nearly four feet in August is now just about at the spillway. I wonder when we can indulge in human nature and start complaining about all the rain?

Some of the big old Cedar trees at Parker Cemetery were damaged by the recent winds and I heard a chainsaw start up over there on Thursday afternoon. I thought it would be auctioneer and retired Buffalo Ag. Teacher Ed Phillips who is building a fence along the road just past the cemetery turnoff but it was not.

Marlin and June Cantrell and Patrick and Garrett Smith were working on the damage because they couldn’t help with the cleanup planned for Saturday. The Saturday cleanup was cancelled because of the weather but June Cantrell says that they will get back at it the first Saturday that the weather is clear.

June said that there was only minor damage to the tombstones because the large tree sections fell between the markers and a bench caught one limb. One maybe two headstones damaged at worst, she added.

A couple of guys from Windstream came by the house this week to report that they had repaired my phone line. They said that Windstream was moving to get broadband internet access out here but that they still didn’t know when it would be. Everyone interested should let Windstream know that the residents of the Flo Area want to be online with broadband.

Margo Carmichael says that the Flo Café where she serves delicious catfish and all the trimmings each Friday will be closed until the first Friday in February. There is almost no business that time of the year she said and so she and the Flo Café are taking a little break. When she reopens she is encouraging everyone to come by and get up a game of forty-two on Friday evening.

All this wet weather must be really challenging for the folks who work to keep our roads passable. County Commissioner David Ferguson has been keeping the roads in good shape but I have noticed this heavy rain pointing out clogged culverts and impaired drainage on some of the roads. I bet our precinct employees will get right on it as soon as it is dry enough though. Ferguson is working to get some of the heaviest traveled roads oil topped. I hardly knew the Star Route when I followed it home from Buffalo the other day.

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