Flo Water Elections

In a signed column the writer is allowed to give opinions, but I don’t want to tell you how to vote in the upcoming water board election, just to vote. It is the American Way to have two or more candidates running and for the voter to have a choice. Democracy makes us stronger, not weaker. The Flo Community Water Supply Corporation belongs to you, the member and you are the one to decide who should run it.

All of the candidates are our neighbors and members of Flo Community Water Supply Corp. Each of them wants the best water at the lowest cost to their fellow members. There is an interview in today’s Buffalo Press with the eight candidates who are still running. They were each given the same form to fill out, and their answers were unedited, although the right to edit was there, but they were all polite.

They differ on some issues and are remarkably similar on others. It is your job as a member and voter to read and listen and find out what those issues are and to cast your vote accordingly.

You can read the stories from previous meetings of Flo Water, by permission of The Buffalo Press at; theflonewsonline.blogspot.com

Please don’t pay any attention to the rumors and myths that seem to accompany any election. No candidate has said that they want to raise rates, or do an assessment, but some in each group have admitted that it may become a necessity if there is another well failure. While some attendees at meetings and letter writers have made what may be hasty or unfounded remarks, this writer has not heard that from any candidate.

Please hold our friend and neighbor, Mr. Claude Moore in your thoughts and prayers as he is in the Mother Francis Hospital in Tyler struggling with pneumonia. Mr. Claude is a Flo institution on his motorized mule riding down to the church at the Flo Crossroads to visit with the pastor there, Brother Ken Stone. Reports on Monday morning said that he was doing some better. We will all be hoping for a full and quick recovery.


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